Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Friday, August 11, 2006

Wake up at 10 in the morning.
Have a, steaming hot, strong and aroma filled cup of coffee.
Read all newspapers and magazines.
Eat a good breakfast.
Browse the net for a while.
Have a fresh cold water bath.
Eat a hevay lunch.
Take a long afternoon nap.
Wake up in the evening n have coffee with some snacks.
Sit n watch Mega Serials till 10'o clock ( like "manaivi ","kanavarukaga", "chithi","onnu vitta chitappa", "rendu vitta periyapa")
Browse the net and chat with frnds for a while.
Go to bed at 11.
I wud luv to follow this schedule.But, NOT NOW!!

Maybe, after 30 yrs..
Vaazhkaiye veruthu pochu pa

P.S: Don't ask me why am not goin to college.. Final year.. So weekly once thaan poven..
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Its Party Time Once Again!!


Finally S(J)OK is out. Brilliant music by ARR.. really mind blowing.Usually, ARR songs don't impress me on the 1st go.. Takes time to grow on me..But this one is extremely enchanting. Strated enjoying the songs, very first time I heard them. Guys, jus listen to the album once n am sure u'll luv it..ARR's music is Highly Addictive!!
No, Am not gonna wirte a review about the music. But here are a few good ones. Chk out this , this n this!!
P.S : R.S, once again surya foto pottutene